Jet Lime Style
Represents the styling configuration for JetLimeColumn and JetLimeRow components.
This class encapsulates various properties that define the appearance and layout of JetLimeColumn and JetLimeRow components, such as content distance, item spacing, line thickness, and alignment properties. It provides a fluent API for modifying these properties.
See JetLimeDefaults.columnStyle for the default style in a JetLimeColumn.
See JetLimeDefaults.rowStyle for the default style in a JetLimeRow.
The distance of content from the start of the JetLime component.
The spacing between items in the JetLime component.
The thickness of the line in the JetLime component.
The brush used for the line in the JetLime component.
the effect applied to the geometry of the timeline to obtain a dashed pattern.
The horizontal alignment of the line in the JetLime component.
The vertical alignment of the line in the JetLime component.
Checks if this JetLimeStyle is equal to another object.
Generates a hash code for this JetLimeStyle.