Package-level declarations


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Represents an animation configuration for an event point in a UI component. This animation defines how an event point (circle) should animate, including its initial value, target value, and the specification of the animation.

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Represents a type of event point in a UI component with an optional icon. This class is used to define different types of event points such as empty, filled, or custom types with specific icons.

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Represents a position of an event within a sequence, such as the start, middle, or end. This class encapsulates the logic for determining the position based on the index in a list.

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Enum representing the alignment of the timeline line and points for JetLimeRow.

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class ItemsList<T>(val items: List<T>)

An immutable list class that holds a list of items of type T.

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Provides default values and utility functions for JetLimeColumn or JetLimeRow styling.

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Provides default values and utility functions for JetLimeEvent styling.

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Represents the style configuration for an event in a JetLimeEvent UI component. This class encapsulates various styling properties such as position, point type, colors, radius, animation, and stroke attributes for an event point.

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Represents the styling configuration for JetLimeColumn and JetLimeRow components.

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Enum representing the alignment of the timeline line and points for JetLimeColumn.


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A CompositionLocal providing the current JetLimeStyle.


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fun <T> JetLimeColumn(itemsList: ItemsList<T>, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, style: JetLimeStyle = JetLimeDefaults.columnStyle(), listState: LazyListState = rememberLazyListState(), contentPadding: PaddingValues = PaddingValues(0.dp), key: (index: Int, item: T) -> Any? = null, itemContent: @Composable (index: Int, T, EventPosition) -> Unit)

A composable function that creates a vertical timeline interface with a list of items.

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fun JetLimeEvent(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, style: JetLimeEventStyle = JetLimeEventDefaults.eventStyle(EventPosition.END), content: @Composable () -> Unit)

Composable function for creating a JetLimeColumn or JetLimeRow event.

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fun JetLimeExtendedEvent(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, style: JetLimeEventStyle = JetLimeEventDefaults.eventStyle(EventPosition.END), additionalContent: @Composable BoxScope.() -> Unit = { }, additionalContentMaxWidth: Dp = AdditionalContentMaxWidth, content: @Composable () -> Unit)

Should only be used with a JetLimeColumn for a vertical arrangement of events.

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fun <T> JetLimeRow(itemsList: ItemsList<T>, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, style: JetLimeStyle = JetLimeDefaults.rowStyle(), listState: LazyListState = rememberLazyListState(), contentPadding: PaddingValues = PaddingValues(0.dp), key: (index: Int, item: T) -> Any? = null, itemContent: @Composable (index: Int, T, EventPosition) -> Unit)

A composable function that creates a horizontal timeline interface with a list of items.